“Andy Vajna was a great friend and collaborator. He believed in me on one of my toughest shoots, Terminator 2. I will miss him, his humor, class and style, but especially the motorcycle rides.”
James Cameron
“You can’t make an actor act. You have got to create an atmosphere he wants to perform. It can be hell.”
Andrew G. Vajna
“I fell in love in love with Andy the moment I met him, because for once I’d met a Hungarian in Hollywood who was not only more successful than I was, but also crazier.”
Joe Eszterhas
“Andy doesn’t compare to anybody else in this business. Andy is unique, he’s independent; he’s a rare blend of entrepreneur and film maker. He puts his money on the line time and time again, and he’s won as big as anyone in this town. You’ve got to admire somebody like that.”
Jeffrey Katzenberg, Dream Works SKG Partner
“I decided to learn something that I could do no matter where I lived – I became a hairdresser. I chose hairdressing because it is a useful skill and one that I could always go back to. Knowing this gave me great security and the freedom to explore other avenues.”
Andrew G. Vajna
“When you work with Andy, the buck stops with him. I don’t deal with anybody else. It becomes very much Andy’s movie, one singer, one song.”
Danny Cannon, director of Judge Dread
“He’s one of the few people around with the balls to play with his own money. His word carries a lot of weight. He’s personally out on the line. It’s always given me a lot of respect for him. Andy is always involved. He’s your partner or your boss, but he offers guidance as opposed to instructions… He approaches business in a sort of family style. He keeps the same friends for 30 years, and that’s kind of remarkable.”
John McTiernan, director of Medicine Man and Die Hard With a Vengeance
“A very very sad day ... Producer ANDY VAJNA, the man that Made Rambo happened, died today… LOVED this man’s courage - a pioneer. Believed In making FIRST BLOOD when no one else did.…This truly breaks my heart. Rip”
Sylvester Stallone
“We’re glad to be a part of your lifetime.”
Bruce Willis and Demi Moore to Andy when he received NATO/ShoWest Lifetime Achievement Award in 1995
“The profession is never boring. I have found the interesting things in everything I have ever done. So none of my occupations ever seemed like work.”
Andrew G. Vajna
“He’s got great respect for the director and courage to do projects that aren’t so easy… He won’t let you down; you can trust him.”
Paul Verhoeven, director of Total Recall
“Working with Andy was the best experience of my career and he makes the world’s greatest bouillabaisse.”
Steven de Souza, screenwriter Judge Dredd
“When Andy gives you his word, you know it’s good. And no matter how tough the going gets, you can count on him. He’s got nerves of steel.”
Joe Roth, chairman, Walt Disney Motion Picture Group
“Vajna defined what would become known as the ‘big action picture’. He really has a wide range of talent and ability.”
Tim Warner, general chairman of film company NATO / ShoWest
“Andy Vajna was a dear friend and a revolutionary force in Hollywood. He proved that you don’t need studios to make huge movies like Terminator 2 or Total Recall. He had a huge heart, and he was one of the most generous guys around. I’ll miss him.”
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Hungary, the country of potientials
“If you are willing to work hard and have a good, creative idea, then it is possible to make it happen,” said Vajna to The Hollywood Reporter, after Son of Saul won the Academy Award. The success of Son of Saul was such a unique accomplishment that hasn't happened in the past three decades; the only previous Oscar was for István Szabó's Mephisto in 1982.
Since Vajna has been appointed as Government Commissioner for the film industry, he has always been striving to support talents, and his efforts have proven themselves as since the new film fund was set up five years ago, Hungarian movies have won more than 130 international awards at festivals.
In one of his first interviews given to Chicago Tribune, he said: “What I want to do is to build a successful industry that will build on the talent this country has to offer.”
And he continued to do so…
Hungarian National Film Fund’s initiative, the Incubator Program is designed to help young directors to make the first step and to make their first feature films. Last year the Hungarian National Film Fund has selected 12 projects to compete for provides financial and professional help provided by the Fund. The initiative has been so successful that in 2016 the Fund will continue to support new directors: five low-budget films will be fully funded to offer filmmakers a chance to begin their careers in the frames of the 'Incubator Program' initiative.
“The example of Son of Saul shows to the young people of Hungary that, yes, it is possible to do!” – highlighted Vajna in The Hollywood Reporter.
December 2016